Posts by Alfred Malone


Web Design Inspiration March 28, 2022

5 Websites for guaranteed Web Design Inspiration

Whether you’re a entry level web designer lost or a senior designer working on your clients next big project. Every web designer benefits from inspiration.

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Case Study March 21, 2022

The AM Venture Case Study

The AM Venture Is a web design company looking to expand over the internet. Providing web design services, a blog, and an eCommerce store.

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Hello world

Hello World March 8, 2022

> Hello, world!_ – A little about me and my curiosity

Hello i’m Alfred web development enthusiast of sorts and web design novice! This year is going to be my year I can feel it! I hope this is going to be successful year for you as well. I’m just a guy from Alabama looking to looking to make a mark in my own way in this industry.

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