> Hello, world!_ – A little about me and my curiosity

Hello world
Posted by in Hello World March 8, 2022


Hello i’m Alfred web development enthusiast of sorts and web design novice! This year is going to be my year I can feel it! I hope this is going to be successful year for you as well. I’m just a guy from Alabama looking to looking to make a mark in my own way in this industry. Knowledge is power and I want to find the most useful to my venture. Some hobbies I enjoy are video games, hanging out with friends, and free pool on sundays. On most days you can find me afk gaming and working on my latest idea. My particular stack of choice is the MERN stack but I mainly love to work on react. I use next js for my more heavier projects (my portfolio here) because of its easy right out of the box server side rendering feature. I love reacts component based feel and react hooks are really a game changer in the world of state management. Lately, I have decided to learn new languages like angular, SQL, PHP, and python. In efforts to learn some basics of PHP I decided to learn WordPress. In fact I’m actually trying to get a job in WordPress so fingers crossed 🤞🏾. I have a degree in IT (with concentration in web development). So yes I could fix your computer 🙂 but I don’t want to sorry 🙁. IT is not really a passion of mine but it is fun to build PC’s and setup/design my own networks. So no my degree isn’t going to waste its very much still being used.


I wanted to start blogging as well as use other features that come with WordPress to my advantage. What I really want to do is expand my knowledge in the world of web design and development. It started out as a Hobby > passion > potential career. More specifically the e-commerce side of the internet. However, I am always down to work on any project or idea and bring it to life. Why would I want to limit myself to just one sector of the industry ya know? Creating a successful website that many people use has always been a goal of mine. My first thought is to dive into the definition of UI and UX and apply that knowledge to the creation of my websites. From personal experience their has been a lot of websites like apple,stripe, (insert another site), and much more that have left an impression on me. It’s impressions like that that encourage me to come back. This inspires me to become a better web developer and designer. I hope to combine my research in UI and UX with my knowledge of web development in order to create websites that convert. Well that and learning some marketing skills, SEO and everything else that brings traction to websites. So I am starting here with this blog. Documenting my findings and sharing which will eventually evolve into much more. Stay tuned!

  1. Mark says:

    Thanks for your blog, nice to read. Do not stop.

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